Capital Gains & Transaction Costs

Capital Gain

Amount of Transaction - Buying (php)

No. of shares Bought x Buying Price

Amount of Transaction - Selling (php)

No. of shares Sold x Selling Price

Gross Capital Gains (php)

Selling Price – Buying Price

Net Capital Gains (php)

(Selling Price – Buying Price) – Trading Costs

Buying Transaction Cost

Stockbroker’s Commission (php)

(Amount of Transaction x Commission Rate) + 12% VAT

Clearing Fee (php)

(Amount of Transaction x 0.0001)

PSE Transaction Fee (php)

(Amount of Transaction x 0.00005)

Total Trading Costs - Buying (php)

Amount of Transaction + Stockbroker’s Commission + Clearing Fee + PSE Transaction Fee

Selling Transaction Cost

Stockbroker’s Commission (php)

(Amount of Transaction x Commission Rate) + 12% VAT

Clearing Fee (php)

(Amount of Transaction x 0.0001)

PSE Transaction Fee (php)

(Amount of Transaction x 0.00005)

Stock Transaction Tax (php)

(Amount of Transaction x 0.006)

Total Trading Costs - Selling (php)

Amount of Transaction – Stockbroker’s Commission – Clearing Fee – PSE Transaction Fee – Stock Transaction Tax

Stockbroker’s Commission (php)

(Amount of Transaction x Commission Rate) + 12% VAT

Clearing Fee (php)

(Amount of Transaction x 0.0001)

PSE Transaction Fee (php)

(Amount of Transaction x 0.00005)

Stock Transaction Tax (php)

(Amount of Transaction x 0.006)

Total Trading Costs - Selling (php)

Amount of Transaction – Stockbroker’s Commission – Clearing Fee – PSE Transaction Fee – Stock Transaction Tax