Women have been making headway when it comes to occupying corporate boardand senior management positions in companies all over the world, particularly in the Philippines. Stylized facts released by international reports point to the surprising prevalence ofwomen holding leadership positions among Philippinefirms. Hence, this descriptive study bridges a gap in the Philippine governance literature by using data on around 250 PSE-listed firms to examine genderdiversity compositionand trends among CEOs, boards, andtopmanagement teams inPhilippinepubliclytradedfirmson a five-year interval (i.e. 2003, 2008, 2013) and for the most recent year (i.e. 2014). Additionally, we provide informationon the educational profile of CEOs of PSE-listed firms. Our study confirms the existence of a gender gap among governing and managing bodies ofPhilippine public firms, but observes a gradual improvement in the representationofwomenin key leadership positions. We also find that most CEOs of PSE-listed firms share a commoneducational background in terms of undergraduate and graduate degrees received and tertiary schools attended.