The idea that more women belong oncorporateboards is attracting attention around the world. Some scholars argue that genderdiversityonboards improves firm performance and induces more prudent corporate decision-making. This rationale is based on the hypothesis that women are less overconfident and are innately more risk-averse than men. Alternatively, other researchers argue that firms having more female directors are associated with greater corporate risk-taking as the profile ofwomen literature argues that risk-aversiondoes not vary between homogeneously male boards and more gender-diversed boards. Thus, in this paper, we report results for our examinationof the relationship between board measures to proxy for corporate risk-taking and employ the two-step Blundell-Bond System Generalized Method of Moments estimation technique to account for endogeneity issues that may influence this relationship. Our findings show that we cannot definitely conclude that the relationship between board diversity and corporate risk-taking is negative. This suggest that the case for greater genderdiversityonPhilippinecorporateboards should be based on fairness, social, and moral considerations, and not to try to improve the level ofcorporate risk-taking.