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Who’s afraid of financing? how to overcome fear of financial risks

 Format: Print  Author/s: Gonzalez, Mary An K.  Call Number: HD61 W46 2000  Publisher: JBF Center, Asian Institute of Management  Place of Publication: Makati City, Philippines  Date of Publication: 2000  ISBN: 9716790538  Pages: 198  Language: English  Dimension: 23 cm  Tags: East AsiaFinance -- East AsiaFinance -- PhilippinesPhilippines |
 About the Resource:

In 1998, the Jose B. Fernandez, Jr. Center for banking and Finance inaugurated a series of public lectures to address issues and concerns confronting the financial sector in the wake of the Asian economic contagion. Over time, the monthly gathering of the AIM family of social investors, alumni and friends effectively transformed the Center into a marketplace of innovative thinking on banking and finance, in line with the late Central bank Governor Fernandez’ own view that the task of managing financial institutions demands mental alertness and vigilance.


Owing to the widely perceived undercurrents of denial in the banking and finance industry as lending windows gradually closed and hapless borrowers were left in a bind, from October 1998 to March 1999, the lectures purposively revolved around the timely question “Who’s Afraid of Financing?” and the corresponding search for its resolution: “How to Overcome Fear of Financial Risk”.

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