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Understanding arbitrage : an intuitive approach to financial analysis

 Format: Print  Author/s: Billingsley, Randall S.  Call Number: HG6024 A3 B55 2006  Publisher: Wharton School Publishing  Place of Publication: Upper Saddle River, N.J.  Date of Publication: 2006  ISBN: 0131470205  Pages: 202  Language: English  Dimension: 24 cm  Tags: ArbitrageHedging (Finance)Speculation |
 About the Resource:

This book traces the common thread binding together much of financial thought–arbitrage. Distilled to its essence, arbitrage is about identifying mispricing and developing strategies to exploit it. An inherently simple concept–the act of exploiting different prices for the same asset or portfolio–arbitrage is as important as it is commonly misunderstood. This is because arbitrage is so often presented in financial arguments that are long on technical detail but short on economic intuition. Many business professionals’ exposure to the concept is limited to the media occasionally associating arbitrage with high-profile financiers, like foreign currency speculator George Soros, or former Secretary of the U.S. Treasury Robert Rubin, once head of arbitrage at Goldman Sachs.

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