The turtle always wins : how to make millions in the stock market
Print Author/s:
Sanchez, Bo Call Number:HG4521 .S26 2012 Publisher:
Eugenio R. Sanchez, Jr. Place of Publication:
Quezon City Date of Publication:
2012 ISBN:
9789710070367 Pages:
122 Language:
English Dimension:
18 cm Tags:Investments | Securities | Stocks |
About the Resource:
Inthe race called investing theturtle beats the squirrel the rabbit and the sloth. In this book Bo Sanchez teaches you a powerful gameplan that can turn you into a millionaire – and a millionaire maker too.
This book will teach you the “Turtle Strategy” that will protect you from losing money and make you retire a multimillionaire. Inthere pages, you’ll learn…
**Four different kinds of animals that exist inthestockmarket;
**Common mistakes you need to avoid inthestockmarket;
**Howto use theTurtle Strategy tomake your millions;
**Bo’s Strategic Averaging Method (SAM)