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The business book

 Format: Print  Author/s: Atkinson, Sam  Call Number: HF5351 .B979 2014  Publisher: Dorling Kindersley  Place of Publication: New York  Date of Publication: 2014  ISBN: 9781409341260  Pages: 352  Language: English  Dimension: 25 cm  Tags: BusinessIndustries -- Social aspects |
 About the Resource:

Packed with innovative graphics and simple explanations of business concepts, from managing risk and alternative business models to effective leadership and thinking outside the box, The Business Book covers every facet of business management.


Big ideas make great business thinkers and leaders. From Adam Smith and Andrew Carnegie to Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, The Business Book is perfect for college students, would-be entrepreneurs, or anyone interested in how business works.


The Business Book is the perfect primer to key theories of business and management, covering inspirational business ideas, business strategy and alternative business models. One hundred key quotations introduce you to the work of great commercial thinkers, leaders, and gurus from Henry Ford to Steve Jobs, and to topics spanning from start-ups to ethics.

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