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One up on Wall Street : how to use what you already know to make money in the market

 Format: Print  Author/s: Lynch, Peter; Rothchild, John  Call Number: HG4521 .L864 1989  Publisher: Simon & Schuster  Place of Publication: New York  Date of Publication: 1989  ISBN: 9780743200400  Pages: 304  Language: English  Dimension: 21 cm  Tags: InvestmentsSpeculationStocks |
 About the Resource:

More than one million copies have been sold of this seminal book on investinin which legendary mutual-fund manager Peter Lynch explains the advantages that average investors have over professionals and how they can use these advantages to achieve financial success.


America’s most successful money manager tells how average investors can beat the pros by usinwhat theknow. According to Lynch, investment opportunities are everywhere. From the supermarket to the workplace, we encounter products and services all day long. By paying attention to the best ones, we can find companies in which to invest before the professional analysts discover them. When investors get in early, they can finthe “tenbaggers,” the stocks that appreciate tenfold from the initial investment. A few tenbaggers will turn an average stock portfolio into a star performer.


Lynch offers easy-to-follow advice for sorting out the long shots from the no-shots by reviewing a company’s financial statements and knowing which numbers really count. He offers guidelines for investinin cyclical, turnaround, and fast-growing companies.


As long as you invest for the long term, Lynch says, your portfolio can reward you. This timeless advice has made One Up on Wall Street a #1 bestseller and a classic book of investment knowhow.

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