Derivative instruments are the fastest changing and most dynamic of all the investment areas. Mastering Exchange-Traded Equity Derivatives looks at one specific area of derivatives which is becoming increasingly popular due to its ease of implementation, execution and risk management – index and equity futures and options.
The book covers the markets, applications and risks, addressing current practice and future issues and is written for both the new entrant into the markets and for the seasoned professional seeking to refresh or broaden their knowledge. It will bring the markets to life and includes:
- the history and background of index and equity futures and options, and the characteristics, uses and benefits
- example trades and pricing formulas, and guidelines for fund managers
- product development, settlement, marketing and a comparison of open outcry trading versus screen-based trading
- an understanding of how the instruments are traded, the flow of information to and from the markets and the surveillance systems used
- regulation of the markets, from the point of view of both the Securities and Futures Authority (SFA) and the LIFFE Compliance Officer
Market Education
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