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Asian development outlook 2008 : workers in Asia

 Format: Print  Author/s: Asian Development Bank  Call Number: HC 59.7 A85 2008  Publisher: Asian Development Bank  Place of Publication: Metro Manila, Philippines  Date of Publication: 2008  ISBN: 01170481  Pages: 303  Language: English  Dimension: 28 cm  Tags: Asia Pacific regionAsian Development BankEconomics (Finance) |
 About the Resource:

The annual Asian Development Outlook provides a comprehensive economic analysis of 44 economies in developing Asia and the Pacific. This 20th anniversary edition examines trends and prospects in Central Asia, East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific.

Developing Asia’s performance in 2007 broke records in almost two decades. Aggregate gross domestic product grew at 8.7% on supportive global economic conditions, a largely favorable policy environment, and productivity gains as the region continued its remarkable modernization and transformation.

This year’s theme on workers in developing Asia spotlights three issues. Will the region reap the demographic advantages of its many young people about to enter the workforce? Can it resolve its silent crisis in terms of its skills shortages? And, with migration burgeoning within the region, will policies move to keep up with the reality on the ground?



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