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Advanced financial accounting: an IAS and IFRS approach

 Format: Print  Author/s: Hock-Neo, Pearl Tan; Yeong, Lim Chu; Nyean, Peter Lee Lip  Call Number: HF5635 T36 2015  Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education  Date of Publication: 2015  ISBN: 9781259011771  Pages: 832  Language: English  Dimension: 27 cm  Tags: Accounting |
 About the Resource:

This new edition continues to cover advanced level topics in financial reporting within the International Accounting Standards (IAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) reporting framework. Though aimed at advanced level accounting degree students in tertiary institutions, it is a useful primer for practitioners who wish to reinforce their knowledge of rapidly changing accounting standards.

New Features

  • New material on IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements.
  • Expanded material and more illustrative examples and explanation on Accounting for Business Combinations and Non-Controlling Interests under IFRS 3 as well as processes relating to consolidation of multi-level group structures.
  • Enhanced explanations on consolidation and equity accounting processes to help students navigate through more complex problem solving.
  • Inclusion of the most recent amendments to existing standards including the revised IAS 27 Separate Financial Statements.
  • Expanded material and in-depth explanations of changes in ownership interests: loss of control, business combinations achieved in stages and changes in ownership interests without change in control.
  • Addition of updates on IFRS 9 Classification and Measurement, Hedge Accounting and Expected Credit Loss.
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