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50 Economic ideas you really need to know

 Format: Print  Author/s: Conway, Edmund  Call Number: HB75 C656 2009  Publisher: Quercus Books  Place of Publication: United Kingdom  Date of Publication: 2009  ISBN: 9781848660106  Pages: 208  Language: English  Dimension: 21.5 cm  Tags: Economics |
 About the Resource:

What exactly is a credit crunch? Why do footballers earn so much more than the rest of us? Which country is likely to be the world’s leading economy in 10 years’ time? And how does economics affect each one of us, every day? In the seventh volume of the successful 50 Ideas series, Daily Telegraph economics editor Edmund Conway introduces and explains the central ideas of economics in a series of 50 clear and concise essays. Beginning with an exploration of the basic theories, such as Adam Smith’s ‘invisible hand’, and concluding with the latest research into the links between wealth and happiness, he sheds light on all the essential topics needed to understand booms and busts, bulls and bears, and the way the world really works. Packed with real-life examples and quotations from key thinkers, 50 EconomicIdeas provides a fascinating overview of how economics influences every aspect of our lives, from buying a house to what we had for breakfast this morning.

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